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A map design that takes you back in time
Hjerl Hede is an open air museum for cultural history located in the Region of West Jutland, Denmark. Founded in 1930, the museum celebrates the slow, manual pre-industrial life giving us an insight on a bygone era.
The first part of our collaboration included redesigning the museum’s map as well as all the visual aspects and guides for their new routes. In the following years, we worked together on their visual development, while incorporating a variety of elements into the overall identity.
Designing a map asks for a well balanced arrangement between a variety of design elements including terrain, icons, and building illustrations.
Prioritizing the practicality of the map, we opted for an aesthetically pleasing but clear and informative layout with minimal icons and signs. Naturally, we added a personal touch with illustrations of all the buildings that one can see in the museum grounds.
The routes we designed are theme based tours inspired by Denmark’s folklore history and tradition.
We created a characteristic icon for each route, facilitating map navigation and creating a unified look for the printed guides.
DET VI FRYGTEDE “What we feared” takes you on a stroll of fears, legends and the obscure! This path demonstrates how people lived in the past and what they feared the most. The route is inspired by fairy tales and folklore legends, introducing us to the human urge to create a meaningful narration for every vague and frightening situation.
For this route, we created illustrations of the imaginary creatures that lurked in these stories.

DET VI DYRKEDE “What we cultivated” takes us on a journey in flavor. Here we learn about the techniques of traditional agriculture, food processing, and nutrition. The route narrates everyday stories from the history of Danish agriculture and explores the evolution of the food sector.
Our botanical illustrations are focused on the variety of produce that was part of the life rituals of the time.
DET VI BYGGEDE ‘What we built’ digs into the innovative engineering that went into building the houses we visit, the farms in general as well as the craftsmanship of the tools they were in need of back then.
We approached it with a look similar to that of a technical blueprint.
This way we aid the visitor to understand in detail the functional aspects of these structures and how they used to work.