Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Transnational project: Most, Greece - Uzbekistan - Kazakhstan - Tajikistan
Transnational project: Most, Greece - Uzbekistan - Kazakhstan - Tajikistan
A multicultural visual identity with a great cause
Switch Asia is an inspiring project that facilitates sustainable tourism in Central Asia.
Valuable more than ever, such projects support emerging destinations to develop their hospitality sector in a balanced and sustainable manner.
Their focus is on retaining a balance between supporting their economies and protecting local communities, heritage, and sites.
Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan are the beneficiaries of the program.
Tapping into the rich visual history and the storytelling culture of the three countries was the obvious starting point for inspiration.
The aim of our design was to interlace the main elements that identify each country, together with their shared qualities.
We created three distinct kaleidoscopes, using a characteristic national symbol, accentuated by a palette inspired by the respective flag.
The arabesque-inspired forms came together in an inclusive design that celebrates all three cultures, while each country can retain a personalized part of visual identity for various applications.
Since most of the applications are used for communicational reasons, we decided to keep the overall design visually minimal.
The final result offers a plethora of applications, including the program’s website, printed material, banners, posters and more.