Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Byens Design Danmark
Byens Design Danmark
Tiny scale, mighty design!
BYENS means city in Danish, and their practice is a true celebration of Copenhagen. They produce realistic replicas of historical “city furniture” of Copenhagen on a 1:12 scale. Everything from tiny benches and fire hydrants, to cute little street lamps and phone booths.
With the logo given, our mission here was to create a collection of stationery and promotional material that stayed true to the historical era.
The key notion here was atmosphere.
We wanted to fully communicate the ambience of the time in every aspect of our designs, from the typography to the structure and texture of the layout.
Always up for a trip down memory lane, we created the typography by hand, imitating the conventional printing technique of the 19th century.
The letters have slight graphic differences and are placed by hand, just like in the printers at the time, creating an uneven and more breezy “organic” typography.