Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Trupp Global, India
Trupp Global, India
Creative rebranding targeted to Millennials
Trupp Global is a leading BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) company with a global clientele located in Bengaluru, India. For their line of business, the company is called to handle an incredible variety of tasks outsourced to them from pretty much every line of industry. And one of their main USPs is that they can handle these tasks fast, like really fast.
So this was our design challenge. How do you translate in visual terms a company that can simply do it all?
As time efficiency is such a key point to our client’s work of line, the logo naturally transformed into the hands of a clock.
Always in movement, the logo and the animated elements of each page further illustrate this race against the clock that Trupp Global can assist you with. As this is a very broad website with a large body of text, the India-inspired color palette serves two functions. The first is to accentuate the pop personality of the rebranding, and the second is to visually aid the user navigate through the services and various sections smoothly.
Web development by Mayra Metaxa
Web development by Mayra Metaxa
Web development by Mayra Metaxa