Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Keeping the visual identity refreshing, just like the drink!
B’lue Z-Ro is a water based drink created and distributed by Danone Universal Robina Beverages in the Philippines. It is a new addition to the company’s main water brand, B’lue.
We were requested to design the product’s visual identity.
B’lue Z-Ro is water based and features two flavors: apple & cucumber and pineapple & yogurt. Calorie free and sugar free, it was created for a youthful audience that aims for a healthier lifestyle but would like to enjoy the full flavor without any sugar or calories.
Among our design proposals the winning concept was “The island”. Our central idea was to create an island of flavor in the big blue, a perfect match to the Philippines’ geography that is the world’s fifth largest island country.
This way, we kept the water itself and as a structural element of the design.
Our island illustrations are modified according to each flavor, allowing the identity to be further developed for future additions.