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A nostalgic packaging design with a Greek flavor
The Tsatsakis family business has been producing preservative-free baked goods since 1998.
These signature Greek products increased in demand worldwide and the company saw an opportunity to launch a new range of breadsticks, cookies, crisps, and croutons in foreign markets. Because there’s nothing quite like the taste of home.
Most Greeks grew up with this type of baked goods.
Because of that, we developed the brand positioning around the idea of providing a visual and mental journey to Greece through aromas and flavors.
After all, few things tap into the memory lane quite like the scent of a childhood flavor. And that’s precisely what the Tsatsakis family creates, using only the purest ingredients and olive oil.
These typically Greek products tell different yet familiar stories of Greece.
Enjoying your morning coffee with a cookie, tasting cold ouzo with “meze,” watching traditional Karagiozis shadow theater.
The name “baking stories” came as a natural consequence of this positioning.
The packaging follows the same logic of portraying Greek moments.
This is why we used a recognizable and characteristic illustration style that every Greek has had engraved in their memory through school.
If you’re Greek, you know what we’re talking about!
The visual language is colorful and it is meant to portray innocence and nostalgia, the same nostalgia that only a flavor can bring to the surface.
This approach serves also to accentuate the purity of ingredients and the variety of flavors found in Cretan products.
The visual language is colorful and it is meant to portray innocence and nostalgia, the same nostalgia that only a flavor can bring to the surface.
This approach serves also to accentuate the purity of ingredients and the variety of flavors found in Cretan products.